
Closing the skills gap: Your LMS is an ally

46% of companies have no strategic plan to address skills gaps internally. In part, it’s because organizations are not using the Learning and Development tools they have to their full capacity.  Almost all organizations use a Learning Management System (LMS) to manage and deliver e-learning courses and training programs. But many don't realize it can do so much more.

Your LMS can provide clear learning paths for individual upskilling and reskilling. Are you using your LMS as a tool for employee success and long-term employee retention?

Watch our recorded webinar, or read the below transcription, where our co-founder Kishor Amberkar shares how our customers are using their LMS to its fullest potential.

You will learn and observe firsthand:  

  • How you can use your LMS to identify skills gaps in your organization  
  • How your LMS can help you fill unexpected job openings quickly
  • [Demo short] See how managers and administrators can create learning paths and use reporting to make data-driven decisions  


Kishor Amberkar: Goodmorning. Good afternoon. Yes. How are you? Welcome back. My name is Kishor Amberkar, I'm the co-founder and the president and the CTO for Learnsoft. We are gonna talk today about skill gap and competency analysis and how the learning management system and the talent management system can help you achieve those those finding gaps and rectifying those gaps which is related to learning. And we wanna talk a little bit more about it today. Again welcome everyone. Wonderful. Okay so what we are gonna learn, how can we identify gaps in your organizations? Because identifying gaps is very important so that the employees which are assigned to certain tasks can complete those tasks efficiently. How does the learning management system and the talent management system which can help you to find those gaps rectify those gaps and identify certain unexpected job openings? How can I fill that? It's kind of goes towards the succession planning. Find out the hard job positions which needed to be filled up in the organization.


0:01:20.0 KA: And how does the LMS and the TMS camp can help you? We are gonna do a short demo where we can see all how the administrators can create the learning paths and the reportings which are driven. There are some of the clients which we serve which users our learning management system you know whether they're health systems like Ochsner, Northwell, the Sparrows or also in the local state government like the state of Kansas. Okay. So as everybody know there is a shortage of talent. Now I would say there is not a shortage of the talent. The talent is there but itis just not rightly focused. We have seen that lot in the healthcare where the RNs, the nurses they're burned out. They want to be in the healthcare but they want to come out of the health system and maybe join the doctor's office. Little bit more relaxed. How can we do that so that there is a talent shortage for the certain possessions which are there, how we can fill that?


0:02:25.7 KA: Okay, so that's the most important part of which we wanted to talk today with finding this gap. 76%of the employees says that the training can help, the continuous training and the development as you've seen mostly in the healthcare you know with American Heart Association trying to do a low dose high frequency type of thing so that you don't have to, you know don't have to do all the training in one sitting. It can be spread across and it can be used in the specific job positions. So we have seen that trend which is happening right? But everything boils down to the skills and gaps. And there are three main aspect of the skill gap. The first skill gap is the functional gap, for me doing certain job. If I'm an RN or if I'm an employee in the transportation department is there a certain intellectual or a functional gap which can be identified because the profile of a user has certain skills and the job requirement requires certain skills and also the levels of the different skills whether it's a bigger nurse, whether it's an intermediate or whether it's an expert level.


0:03:42.8 KA: : So that is one type of skill. The second type of skill is just your knowledge gap. Just understanding that what is needed to fill this job and if we can define those job positions correctly with various attributes of that job positions and that can be requirement basis that can be skills and competency basis. And the third one which is most important is your performance gap. Every organization creates some type of goal for every year which has certain pillars. For healthcare, I wanted to make sure that the patient safety is one of the goal for me. Patient satisfaction is one of the goal for me. The learning is one of the goal for me. Even in the states we have specific goals. We have retentions around that. Now those goals are created at the organization level but once this get cascaded down to me as an employee how does that relate to me? How does my skills are going to be aligned towards those goals so that when a cascade goes up whether the goal is achieved or not. So that is the most important crux about about the skill gap analysis and how can we identify each of those three goals and not just the identification part of it.

0:05:00.4 KA: How do we rectify that using learning? We are gonna talk about this, okay. The reporting matters a lot about it, because if we do not find out either dashboards or some type of reportings which are scheduled report which gives me as a manager or me as an administrator or me sitting in the HR department finding certain problematic section in my organization, how is IT doing compared to the accounting? How is the HR doing compared to the clinical? All those things. If I can drill it down to the problematic section in the organization I can identify individuals through that. Because at the end of the day everything comes down as an organization free. So the reporting really matters and how I can show that in the dashboard in the first glance to the managers or how I can drill it down. And we are gonna talk about it a little bit today on the reporting side.


0:05:58.4 KA: So let's go into a short demo. How Learnsoft's Learning Management System and the talent management system is going to showcase this to the end user? Or the managers. So I'm gonna quickly go inside and I logged inside the the LMS and the TMS, as you see and I logged inside. It will give me all the information about me how I'm doing. Whether I'm doing everything good on my past due courses, the certifications, the licenses and every certifications which we have, my calendar. It'll give everything about me. But let me quickly go into the my profile because the profile has all the different things about me.


0:06:38.3 KA: Right? Because it has been integrated with your HR system, it has all the information about you. It also have your employee information. That means it tells me what employment type I belong to, what position, which I hold, what's the department or the call center, which I am currently attached to. The important part is the position which I hold, because depending upon the position, am I 100% compliant with my position? Also, what I can do for me is I can go and add certain skills to my profile. There are certain certifications which can automatically been triggered using my learning. Those are the certifications which are going to come in. There are certain evaluations which are associated. I can create my development plan that becomes my personal goals. I can attach or my managers can add different skills. I have certain skills. What are the level of the skills? I can add those commands. So what I'm doing right now, I am showing, or I am filling up whether the system fills up, whether the manager fills up, whether the HR teams fills up. But right now, my profile is complete. And once the profile is complete and the job position is correctly defined, I can click on the competency and the skill gap analysis. And once I do that, what it's trying to do is it's trying to compare how I am compliant with my current position. So my current position says that I need certain competencies and skills.


0:08:18.3 KA: I need a point of care. You know what, I don't have it. But it not just gives you your gaps. It will suggest what are the courses you can take? What are the learning you can take to complete and fill those gap. I can actually take this ACLS renewal course and it will give me that it is being held three times. I can pick, maybe I need to go on 24th of this month and I save it. I can automatically enroll in that course. And once I enroll in that course, then I can satisfy that my skill and maybe 89% satisfaction can jump to 95%. Now I can do the exact same thing. Ican do it for my... Because I... Career path in the next two or three years is becoming a manager. When I switch that to the manager view or the manager position, now it'll start comparing and it will start grooming me that what is needed to become a clinical manager in my organization and me and my manager together work towards a common goal. We can add the multiple steps in my career path. I can go through my performance reviews and I can add that this is my next development path or my next career path. And it will start assigning those things to you.

0:09:50.6 KA: Now, that is what the front end look like. That is what the manager when he goes into my profile looks like. But let's quickly jump inside and see how the position is been defined. So I'm going to log into the system, which can tell me how this position of an RN is defined. So let me log in and I'm logging in as one of the administrators where I can manage all the different positions in the system.


0:10:19.2 KA: Now, typically, you don't have to create these positions in the learning management system because it has been tied up to your HR system, whether it's workdays of the world or whether it's the Oracles of the world, any HR system where your employee record decides. So I'm gonna go inside user management and I'm gonna click inside the job position. It will give me all the different job positions which are there in the system. Now Learnsoft or learning management system nevercreated this. This was created in the HR system. If they create a new a position there, it'll automatically bring that position here, because we have a web API integrations, we have a IP3 integrations. So everything will come here. Let's go into a little bit more detail here, right? We can go inside RNs. That was a position which I had that sample user assigned to. When I go inside the RN, it'll give me the detail of that position, what job position it belongs to, what is the job class, what is the job code, if there are any process level associated to that, you can define those process levels. And then the next are the three main attributes, which define and the RN in my organization, what are the different requirements, which we have. I can see different certifications requirement for that positions minimum experience, maximum experience.


0:11:45.9 KA: I can go in and add new requirements. And the new requirements can be mental demand, physical demand, all the requirements I can add so that it can tell me what is an RN in my organization requirement-wise. Then I can add competencies and skills, what is needed, what skills are needed to become an RN in my organization. So then Ican go ahead and add certain skills to that, right? I can give different levels to that... Those skills. So those skills will be added inside. And it can be multiple skills, right? And then the last attribute here is your performance review. You know, to become a manager, I need your interpersonal skills to be excellent, right? I need your clinical knowledge to be excellent. And those are coming from your yearly performance reviews. So the combination of all those three Defines a job position in my organizations and once that definition is complete, a person or employee belongs to this job position, or as soon as I attach that, and again, that is all coming from the data, which is a user Bible, which is your HR system, and when it flows to Learnsoft as a learning management system and The Talent Management, now I can start comparing. That's the place where I can find out gaps and not just gaps, because each of this requirement has a learning attached to it. The inter-personal skills, how I can improve it?


0:13:23.0 KA: Take this these two courses, two of them are online, one of them is instructor-led. If I complete those three courses, I will be proficient in the inter-personal skills, I can define this entire infrastructure, and once that is done, now I can do the skill gap analysis, the ones which I showed you. And on top of that, now we can do succession planning, because now I can go and find out who will be my next CNL, who in the organization itself can take that position. Maybe they're not ready yet, they will be... They're only 75% ready, but how I can groom them rather than going outside and hiring, I can do internal grooming. That is the power of what we get using the Learnsoft's learning management system and the Talent Management System. So that's the quick demo side of it, let's go back to our PowerPoint.

0:14:28.5 KA: So what we are learning, first thing, how to identify the skills, right? How to identify those gaps in your organizations? By creating those profiles, by attaching the attributes of profile when people gets assigned to that job positions, the comparison will start to happening, we can start identifying those, and not just identifying, now we can recommend training so that they can fill those gaps, right? How to show the LMS can fill the positions? The same thing. Once you start identifying the individual, now I can identify the position, which is the hard position, we need some succession planning here, and the managers can start looking at different reports. This is one of the sample report which can give you the job performance versus the job evaluations, what are the different requirements, what are the different levels of those, how the person actually got those skills, and are there any missing skills associated to that, it can be reported on. It can be automatically assigned those courses. Okay, so those are the part which we learned today.


0:15:51.0 KA: That's what I wanted to talk to you about because the skill gap analysis and the competency gap analysis is a key component for the success on the employee engagement, the employee will know that the organization is helping them to grow, not just on what they currently do, but even two years, three years down the line, because I have a clear career path, not just my career path but inside those career path, how can I improve? How is the organization starts grooming me so that Ican achieve my career growth? That's the beauty of the power module which we have here, which is the skill track and competency gap analysis and succession planning. Any questions you guys have? I'm gonna open for questions, so let's take some of the questions. I'm gonna look on my chat and see whether I have some questions here.


0:17:07.0 KA: Okay, so one of the question here which came up is "can we identify different skills in the different levels?" Absolutely. Can I create a skill which is, let's say, maybe as simple as Microsoft Excel, am I a beginner, am I an intermediate or am I an expert in that. So skills is not just one way, each skill has it's own attribute which is these different levels. It also has... Each skill has its own... What we call as courses or learning objects. That means to achieve those skills, you can offer certain training and that training can be, as I said, it can be online-based training, it can be webinar-based training, or it can be a third party training from outside, all that or maybe a blended learning type of training. So yes, to answer your questions, the skills can have different levels. The second questions came here, does user belong to multiple positions and each position can have its own skill requirements? Absolutely.


0:18:24.2 KA: We are a very much proponent of a single profile whether it's... And the profile should carry right from my employment to my termination, it's a one single profile, it doesn't matter whether I belong to two different positions. I might be an RN in oncology but I'm also a secondary RN in the children's hospital. Still, it's me, one person, right? So the skills might be two different skills because I hold two different positions, and those two different positions can still be tracked, I can still find gaps and I can still recommend training or auto-assign certain training, and I can manage my two positions. Now, it is just not two, it can be any number of positions in the health system, sometimes you go and purchase other health systems, right? And put temporary on some other project. Now, that became my temporary position. What are the skills which are needed to achieve that? That can be all tracked.


0:19:27.4 KA: There's one more questions which came up. Can the system differentiate between skills and competencies? Absolutely. There are different types, there are skills which are needed to perform certain positions, and some are the competencies which are related right? Now the competencies can be clinical competencies, which I need to showcase at the time of the new hire orientation, or maybe I have to always take it during my performance review. The example which I gave you before, was the AHA. American Heart Association. I need to do ACLS or BLS or PALS every quarter and I need to showcase that. I need to go physically work on that mannequin, and I can perform whether I can do the compression techniques correctly, or I can do the breathing techniques correctly. Maybe I have to show it to a AHA certified nurse and then only he can satisfy. And all those competencies can be attached to your profile.


0:20:28.5 KA: So yes, you can differentiate between different skills or competencies. There's one more questions which came up. Can the courses related to the skills be assigned automatically? Absolutely. There are two ways in Learnsoft's learning management system, you can assign skills and it's association to the courses. The one way is what we call as a bulk upload where the manager, or whether the administrators or whether the HR department can assign skills one by one or in group. But there is an automated way, what we call as an assignment schedule where it can automatically assign skills based upon certain positions. If I'm in IT and I need five skills at the time of new hire, or at the time of every six months or every year because I need to make sure my PCI certifications is up to date, my HIPAA certifications are up to date. I wanna make sure that the end users, the employees, they don't have to go and worry about that and find those things and assign it to themselves. Let the system take that burden.

0:21:39.2KA: Let it automatically assign, either they can assign one time or maybe they can assign automatically. Now automatically can be a recurring basis, all right? It can be recorded on my anniversary, it can be recorded on my birthdate or a hire date, or maybe on a hardcoded due date. That means every January everybody will assign a renewal, system can automatically assign those and with that skill base, after they find the gap, it can also assign learnings and the learning can be also assigned; Periodic learning, micro-learning, instructor-led learning, webinar learning, it doesn't matter. Or maybe even an external training because I need to take certain courses from [0:22:23.5] Elsevier or I need to take certain from [0:22:26.0] Webincar I can do those things. So yes, to answer your questions, yeah, we can do it automatically. So that's what we are gonna talk today is mainly related to the skill gap and competency analysis. I hope you enjoyed this session. If you have any questions or wanna schedule a demo, we are always available here at Learnsoft. You can reach us at Again, my name is Kishor Amberkar. You wanna reach out to me directly. You can reach out to me straight at Learnsoft or on my LinkedIn.

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