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Why thousands of learners love Learnsoft

Our flexible, easy-to-use, and scalable learning management system is designed to meet learners where they are, keeping them prepared, focused, and engaged.

No time to wait? Give us a call at (737) 232-3287.

LMS features our customers love:

Intuitive user design

Expedites hire-to-floor

Mobile delivery multiple ways

Boundaryless learning

Real-time access to all your data

Always audit-ready

Unlimited 3rd party integrations

Expedites hire-to-floor

Configurable workflows and reporting

Your house, your rules!
Let us show you the Learnsoft way

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Our customers in highly regulated industries have trusted us for years, you can too

TalentCulture’s 2023 HR Tech Award badge

Leader in HR Technology

Learnsoft is a recipient of TalentCulture’s 2023 HR Tech Award for our intuitive design and user-friendly capabilities.

I appreciate that Learnsoft has been such a good partner, and I’m happy to have had such a good working relationship with them.

Vice President, Center for Learning and Innovation & Physician Leadership Institute, Statewide Healthcare Provider

The capabilities of the LMS and TMS continue to impress.

Assistant Vice President, Organizational Effectiveness and Learning

I’ve never seen it listed so clearly in one place. Liking the new system. Nursing will be happy with healthcare specific features.

Manager, Project Management Office